Friday, April 07, 2006

Object: user ~ MS Exchange Attributes

Once the Active Directory schema is extended by Microsoft Exchange 2000 or 2003, the user attribute will contain the following additional properties:

Here is where you set the MailStore

Legacy distinguished name for creating Contacts. In the following example, Guy Thomas is a Contact in the first administrative group of GUYDOMAIN: /o=GUYDOMAIN/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=Guy Thomas

An easy, but important attribute. A simple SMTP address is all that is required

- FALSE Indicates that a contact is not a domain user.

Normally this is the same value as the sAMAccountName, but could be different if you wished. Needed for mail enabled contacts.

Another straightforward field, just the value to:True

NameExchange needs to know which server to deliver the mail. Example: /o=YourOrg/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MailSrv

As the name 'proxy' suggests, it is possible for one recipient to have more than one email address. Note the plural spelling of proxyAddresses.

SMTP:@ e-mail address. Note that SMTP is case sensitive. All capitals means the default address.

Displays the contact in the Global Address List.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Object: group ~ Attribute: groupType

The groupType attribute returns the type of group. However the returned value is in RAW format. AdSearch conversion tool will convert the groupType result or for further refernence see the possible return values below:

-2147483646 ~ Global Security Group
-2147483644 ~ Local Security Group
-2147483643 ~ BuiltIn Group
-2147483640 ~ Universal Security Group

2 ~ Global Distribution Group
4 ~ Local Distribution Group
8 ~ Universal Distribution Group

ADSearch Objects

Winzero ADSearch for Active Dirctory enables IT Professionals using Microsoft Windows 200 and Wndows 2003 to search object property attributes in the Schema for the following objects:

- Users (user)
- Groups (group)
- Domains (domain)
- Organizational Units, OUs (organizationalUnit)
- Computers (computer)
- Published Printers (printQueue)
- Published Shares (volume)

Search queries and search results are based on ADSI LDAP property names